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KI & BI: Zwei Seiten einer Medaille?
BI-Experte Alexander Engel erklärt, wie KI und BI gemeinsam die Zukunft der Entscheidungsfindung revolutionieren.
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Am 13.02.2025 von 10-11 Uhr
03.-08. Mai 2025
Messe Frankfurt
ABI Zukunft Tag
10. Mai 2025
Vechtaer Str. 3, 49393 Lohn
Meat Industry Forum
03.-04. September 2025
DIL e. V. Quakenbrück
Jobmesse Oldenburger Münsterland
19.|20. September 2025
Vechta | Stoppelmarktgelände
Jobmesse Osnabrück
27.|28. September 2025
Messehalle B&K Osnabrück
Firmentag FH Münster
28. Oktober 2025
Campus in Steinfurt
Chance Osnabrück
11.-13. November 2025
of the Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences
German Meat Congress
25.-26. November 2025
Rheingoldhalle Mainz
Artificial intelligence is changing the world
Market and public pressure on the meat and food industry is constantly increasing. If you want to continue to produce marketable products in the future, you need to streamline your processes today. Artificial intelligence offers numerous opportunities to optimize processes along the entire value chain from pasture to plate. Producers and retailers benefit just as much as consumers and animals.
Crisis management through digitalization
How food producers can defy cost pressure, staff shortages and energy shortages. The German food industry is in the midst of a changing economic situation. In the midst of a changing future. What can the players in the meat and food industry expect in these times of crisis? Which transformation is being heralded and which is already in progress?
Setting the pace for digitalization in the food industry and gastronomy
Jörg Brezl (53) is convinced that the potential of digitalization in the meat and food industry and, following on from this, the catering industry is far from exhausted. Rather, many companies are still at the beginning when it comes to increasing efficiency by networking their systems, improving the quality of their products or being able to make more reliable predictions through the use of artificial intelligence. Fleischmagazin met the Managing Director of SLA Software Logistik Artland GmbH at IFFA 2022 to talk about terms such as OEE and process intelligence and to discuss the great opportunities and possibilities for the industry through intelligent IT solutions.
Modular logistics for every environment
Kröswang GmbH has been supplying restaurants, hotels and large kitchens with fresh and frozen food for over 40 years. With the help of a fully automated central fresh food warehouse, the company based in Grieskirchen (Austria) meets the demand for freshness with intelligent logistics processes from goods receipt to delivery to the customer.
Digitalization means understanding and living progress
In my vision of the future, robots are a matter of course. Robots that control production, operate the production line at piecework speed and don't mind monotonous work. Nevertheless, they will never match the capabilities of us humans. Because we are forward-looking and visionary and able to acquire new knowledge. The machines merely support us in being where we are now and where we will be in the future.