SLA Meat Integrity Solution
Meat Integrity Solution

 With my triple security concept, I ensure the highest data quality in slaughterhouses. 

Through it I promise promise promise

Collection and backup of all classification data, veterinary reports and other important information on an internal Meat Integrity Server
Triple data protection:All input devices receive a unique identity, which is checked with every data exchange. Each record is encrypted and sent over trusted paths. Each data record receives a digital signature when it is stored on the MIS server.
Complete transparency for suppliers, trading partners, classification services and control bodies through web-based data availability and individual access rights
Fulfillment of the documentation and information obligation according to the "Fleischgesetz" and transparency in the entire supply chain up to the consumer
No chance for data manipulation and unauthorized access
Problem-free integration into the existing ERP system
Certified by the highest level of TÜViT

HERE I AM ALREADY successfully successfully successfully IN ACTION

Through this I promise promise promise you

HERE I AM ALREADY successfully successfully successfully IN ACTION


Cross-plant digital networking at meat producer Steinemann

Brand Quality meat

Digital processes and AI at slaughterhouse Brand Quality meat

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