I take care of the integration, control and comprehensive controlling of all your machines - regardless of the manufacturer or model.
Through it I
Networking of all machines with each other, the with any ERP system (SLA, SAP, Microsoft, etc.), the warehouse management and other relevant systems. Thereby linking weiteren relevanten Systemen
Thereby linkage With production orders fully automatic actions Materialflusssteuerung
Capture Visualization and Storage of all during of the Data accruing during machine operation, e.g. program run, Temperature, weight, Revolutions, Running time, etc.
More Transparency, Control and efficiency in the production process
Machine data in in real time, from the road any device retrievable
Machine data in for perfect basis zur Reflexion von production processes and optimization of set Production targets
HERE I AM ALREADY successfully successfully successfully IN ACTION
Through this I promise promise promise you
of all machines with each other,
the with any ERP system (SLA, SAP, Microsoft, etc.), the warehouse management and other relevant systems. Thereby linking
with production orders and fully