Cross-plant digital networking at meat producer
Steinemann Steinemann Steinemann


Geschäftsführer Steinemann Andreas Steinemann

Andreas Steinemann
Managing Director Steinemann

"In our production, numerous highly complex processes are controlled and documented. Without a comprehensive IT solution, this would no longer be possible today. SLA comes from the meat industry, knows the specifics and is therefore exactly the right IT partner for us."

Christian Freese Projekt Manager SLA

Christian Freese
Project Manager SLA

"We don't just want to be a software supplier for our customers, but a digitalization partner at eye level. With our 24/7 premium support, a maximum of individuality and close proximity, both in consulting and in implementation, we do our utmost every day to meet this requirement."

For Steinemann war schnell klar: Die Digitalisierung ist nicht nur ein Trend von kurzer Dauer, sondern muss komplett in die vorhandene Produktionsstruktur einfließen, um Workflows zu automatisieren, Prozesse schneller und flexibler zu gestalten und eine Transparenz und Rückverfolgbarkeit entlang der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette vom Wareneingang bis zum Endverbraucher zu erreichen. Dabei sollten nicht einzelne Insellösungen integriert werden, sondern eine über alle all four plants.. 

With a mix of the most modern software and hardware solutions, an IT environment was created within a very short time that guarantees Steinemann efficiency, flexibility and complete transparency. Always in view: the active involvement and familiarization of the employees in the new, digital processes. 

And with these products it's possible:

Daily slaughtering and processing of pigs and cattle on separate lines
Production of 70 different fresh meat articles and more than 30 types of sausage
Digital, automated processes from shopfloor to topfloor incl. cross-plant data management
Digital documentation of supplier and producer data as well as data on animal welfare (complaints, feeding, resting times, etc.) with the mobile app for delivery, stable and pen management
Fully automated targeting and sorting incl. digital cold storage management
Mobile picking as well as fully automated packaging lines, price labeling and box management
SLA Industrial Computers with user-friendly touch dialogs at various stations
With the Meat Integrity Solution: Alle digital erfassten Informationen bzgl. Herkunft, Gesundheit, Klassifizierung, Abviertelung etc. eines Tieres bleiben revisionssicher über den gesamten Produktionsprozess miteinander verknüpft und sind für alle Beteiligten einseh- und damit vollständig rückverfolgbar
With SLA Tracy: providing of the information in the required formats to the trading platforms (fTRACE, Mynetfair, etc.)
Artificial Intelligence: Use of SLA CLASSIFAI® BOXES (with integrated cameras) for AI-based, automated identification of parts and crate contents as well as for the AI-based
Transparent controlling with any evaluations, e.g. on average weights, sections and losses

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